Chartered Accountants


Three Pillars That Defines Us.

We assist clients in Audits, Tax, Accounting & other services

We provide many services for Income Tax, International Tax and Transfer Pricing, Goods and Services Tax ( GST), Book Keeping & Accounting in Tally as well as QuickBooks Accounting, Auditing, India Entry Services and Overseas Business Setup Services and  many more financial services.

Who we are

Mahajan and Agrawal Chartered Accountants is a dynamic professional firm providing professional services in the fields of Accountancy, Auditing, Taxation, Advisory and Consultancy to various individuals, corporates and industries. The Firm was founded in 14.02.2019 and lead by the two professional partners of the firm, CA. KUNAL VITTHALRAO MAHAJAN and CA. KUNAL GOPAL AGRAWAL With the analytical ability, strong work experience in all sorts of accounting, financial and taxation practices our team is committed for providing high quality, efficient and expert solutions to businesses and individuals.

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